A panel of experts will discuss experiences with researching and successfully securing creative funding resources beyond traditional methods. Primary discussion will focus on significance of stakeholders and end users perspectives and experiences of health care innovation in ensuring sustainment. Panelists will also solicit questions from the audience.

Assistant Professor, Prevention Research Center for Family and Child Health
University of Colorado
Venice Williams, PhD, MPH is a mixed methods health services researcher, focused on improving the implementation of evidence-based home visiting programs like Nurse-Family Partnership through program innovations, cross-sector collaboration, and systems integration. She has a range of experience in health services research, including conducting health impact assessments to inform child welfare policy, evaluating systems-change interventions with Urban Indian health centers, and developing collegiate tobacco control policies. She is passionate about engaging with communities to improve health outcomes among families experiencing adversities.

Associate Professor of Medicine
Medical Oncology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Richard Duke, PhD is a biotechnology executive, inventor, biomedical researcher and serial entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in building, financing, and managing start-up biotechnology companies based on inventions made in Colorado’s non-profit research institutions. He is currently the PI and Co-Director of the Colorado AMC Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hub (REACH), also known as the Colorado SPARK program. Dr. Duke has been involved in the formation and/or management of more than 10 UC-AMC spin out companies, which as a group, have raised more than $250 million in financing and have advanced 9 products into phase 1 and 2 human clinical trials. In addition to his entrepreneurial activities, Dr. Duke has more than 35 years of experience in biomedical research at UC-AMC and has been the principal investigator or co-investigator on >$15 million in NIH grants, including 10 SBIR grants, has >70 research publications and articles, and has >30 patents. He received the Tibbets Award from the Small Business Administration in 2020. Dr. Duke has provided independent 3rd party research analysis in the life sciences sector to Janus Capital and to venture capital firms. He is a graduate of McGill University (B.Sc. and M.Sc.) and the University of Colorado (Ph.D.). Dr. Duke strongly believes in the merits and opportunities that arise from building new companies based on University technologies and enjoys working with academic entrepreneurs.

Regents and Distinguished Professor, School of Public Health
Texas A&M University
Marcia G. Ory, PhD, MPH is Regents and Distinguished Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Texas A&M School of Public Health (SPH) in College Station, Texas. Additionally, Dr. Ory serves as principal faculty in the Texas A&M Center for Population Health and Aging which she established in 2016. Working with interdisciplinary teams, her primary goal is to reframe healthy aging as the new normal through innovative research, education, and service. Dr. Ory is an international leader in the translation of research to practice through investigations of behavioral, social, environmental, policy, and/or technological solutions to enhance health and quality of life for all.

Associate Director, Office of Value Based Performance
University of Colorado Medicine
Julie Schwent, MHA received undergraduate degrees in Industrial Engineering and Mathematics from the University of Missouri-Columbia and a Masters in Healthcare Administration from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She has built her career in the value-based program space, managing teams of administrative and clinical employees focused on improving quality and reducing unnecessary utilization within the healthcare system. Julie's expertise surrounds regulatory interpretation, contract management with payers, and finance/budgeting activities supporting the sustainment of "Population Health" resources within the Patient-Centered Medical Home model.

Director of Investments and Venture Development
CU Department of Innovations, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Gali Baler, PhD joined the University of Colorado CU Innovations office in February 2016 and serves as the "operational octopus" behind the CU Healthcare Innovation Fund and granting funding programs. His work spans the intersection of internal venture development and external innovation partnership opportunities with our healthcare system partners. He also engages in new venture development of high potential university technologies and spin-outs. Gali has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Northwestern University, a Bachelors in Materials Science Engineering from Cornell University, and a certificate in Management for Engineers and Scientists from the Kellogg School of Management.