Keynote & Plenary Speakers

Professor of Public Health at San Diego State University and Core Investigator in the Institute for Behavioral and Community Health (IBACH)
Elva M. Arredondo, Ph.D. is professor of public health at San Diego State University and Core Investigator in the Institute for Behavioral and Community Health (IBACH). Dr. Arredondo earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Washington, Seattle, and her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Duke University. She completed her clinical internship in behavioral medicine from the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Arredondo is a bilingual/bicultural native of Mexico with over 18 years of research experience in examining social determinants of Latino heath, with a focus on physical activity and cancer screening. Dr. Arredondo’s research interests also include developing, implementing, evaluating, and disseminating multi-level community-based programs that improve the health of ethnic minority and socially/economically disadvantaged communities. She has served as PI, Co-PI or subcontract PI of grants, from sources ranging from the American Cancer Society, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health. Her research has resulted in over 130 manuscripts, book chapters, and scientific entries.

Distinguished Professor, Washington University St. Louis
Ross C. Brownson, PhD, is the Lipstein Distinguished Professor of Public Health at Washington University in St. Louis. He directs the CDC-supported Prevention Research Center and co-directs the Washington University Implementation Science Center for Cancer Control (supported by the NCI). Dr. Brownson studies the translation of evidence to public health practice and policy, with a content focus on environmental and policy determinants of chronic diseases. Dr. Brownson is the author of 15 books and over 550 peer-reviewed articles. He has received numerous awards for his work. Among these, he is the recipient of the American Public Health Association’s (APHA) Abraham Lilienfeld Award for excellence in teaching and mentoring (2003) and the APHA Award for Excellence (2016). Dr. Brownson is a former president of the American College of Epidemiology and the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors.

Assistant Research Professor, Methodology Center Pennsylvania State University

Associate Professor, Clinician-Investigator, Division of General Internal Medicine University of Colorado
Dr. Huebschmann began her education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, earning a BS in Environmental Engineering. She earned her medical degree in 2000 from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and completed her residency at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Continuing her education, most recently she earned an MS in Clinical Sciences in 2015 at the University of Colorado. Dr. Huebschmann is an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine with the Division of General Internal Medicine and the Center for Women’s Health Research. She is funded by a K23 career development award from the National Heart Lung Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health and was previously funded by a KL2 award from the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute. Her overarching research goal is to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease in people with type 2 diabetes by overcoming barriers to physical activity and by optimally controlling other cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension. To achieve this overarching goal, Dr. Huebschmann seeks to work with clinics and communities to implement evidence-based programs to promote physical activity for people with Type 2 Diabetes.

Director, VA Quality Enhancement Research Institute (QUERI)
Dr. Kilbourne is Director of the Quality Enhancement Research initiative (QUERI) in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and Professor of Learning Health Sciences at University of Michigan. Her goal is to improve public health outcomes through implementation strategies that help providers scale up and spread effective innovations in real-world settings

Director, Center for Bioethics and Humanities University of Colorado
Dr. Wynia’s career has focused on the intersections of professional ethics, clinical care and health policy. The Center he leads is responsible for a university-wide portfolio of programs for teaching, community engagement, clinical consultation and research related to health humanities and bioethics. Prior to joining the University of Colorado, Dr. Wynia directed the Institute for Ethics at the American Medical Association for more than 15 years, leading projects on understanding the ethical climate of health care organizations, communication and team-based care, physician professionalism and self-regulation, ethics and epidemics, medicine and the Holocaust, and inequities in health and health care.
Supporting Speakers

Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Calfiornia San Diego

Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, Stanford University
Professor Baiocchi, PhD, is an interventional-statistician, creating interventions and the means for analyzing them. He specializes in creating simple, easy to understand statistical methodologies for getting reliable results out of messy data and messy situations

Assistant Professor, Colorado School of Public Health
Dr. Battaglia is an Assistant Professor with the University of Colorado School of Public Health and Faculty/Program Administrator for the LEADS Program in the School of Medicine. Dr. Battaglia is Director of the Health Services Research PhD Program and a Nurse Researcher at the Denver Veteran's Administration for the Colorado Research to Improve Care Coordination Program. She received her PhD in Clinical Sciences/Health Services Research from the University of Denver.

Senior Professional Research Assistant, Biostatistician
Erin joined the ACCORDS Biostatistics and Analytics Core in 2014. She is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Biostatistics & Informatics at the Colorado School of Public Health. Her research is in cluster randomized trials with a focus on stepped wedge designs.

Associate Professor, Center for Bioethics and Humanities
Marilyn E. Coors is Associate Professor of Bioethics at the Center for Bioethics and Humanities and the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. She holds a Ph.D. in bioethics, and the ethical issues in clinical genetics and genetic research are the foci of her research, teaching and professional service. As the Director of Research Ethics for the Colorado Clinical and Translational Science Institute, she is directly involved in research ethics consultation and cross-disciplinary ethics education.

Assistant Director, Oregon Practice-Based Research Network
Melinda Davis, PhD, is Associate Director for the Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network (ORPRN) and an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and OHSU-PSU School of Public Health. Dr. Davis is a participatory implementation scientist who collaborates with patient, community, and health system partners to identify and address health disparities in rural and underserved populations.
Dr. Davis was the recipient of an Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institutional K12 and is in the final year of her National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Prevention, Control, Behavioral Science, and Population Science Career Development Award (K07). Dr. Davis leads a portfolio of research and technical assistance contracts funded by federal and regional partners – including an NCI funded cancer moonshot award under the ACCSIS (accelerating Colorectal Cancer Screening and follow-up through Implementation Science) program to implement mailed FIT and patient navigation in rural settings and an AHRQ funded R18 to help primary care practices address patients’ unhealthy alcohol use.
Dr. Davis conducts her work in ORPRN, often in partnership with the Community Health Advocacy and Research Alliance (CHARA), Oregon’s Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs), and other state and national partners. Dr. Davis brings topical (cancer prevention & control, practice facilitation) and methodologic expertise (qualitative, mixed-methods, participatory research, implementation science) to these interdisciplinary collaborations.

Associate Professor, Center for Bioethics and Humanities, Division of General Internal Medicine
Matthew DeCamp, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Center for Bioethics and Humanities and Division of General Internal Medicine. A practicing internist, health services researcher and philosopher, Dr. DeCamp employs both empirical and conceptual methods to identify and solve cutting edge problems at the interface of health care, policy and bioethics. Special emphases of his research include engaging patients in health care organizational decision-making, ethical issues in the use of social media, "Big Data," and global health (with a focus on short-term global health ethics?).

Professor, Department of Family Medicine
L. Miriam Dickinson, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Family Medicine, adjunct professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Informatics, a senior biostatistician in the Biostatistics Core of the ACCORDS Center for health outcomes research at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and Senior Scientist for the National Research Network of the American Academy of Family Physicians. With post-doctoral training in health services research and a PhD in biostatistics, she brings a strong methodological background to inform study design and apply rigorous methods and innovative approaches to practice-based research, study design, covariate constrained randomization, and the application of complex analytic methodologies to the challenges associated with cluster randomized pragmatic trials and stepped wedge trials. She has many years of experience as lead methodologist/evaluator and co-investigator on numerous federally funded grants focused on research in practice-based and community settings, as well as serving as PI on an NIMH R03 grant to use multilevel modeling to examine contextual effects on depression process of care in primary care practices.

Professor, Department of Biostatistics and Informatics, Colorado School of Public Health
Diane Fairclough, DrPH, is a Professor in the Colorado School of Public Health. She received her doctoral degree in Biostatistics from the University of North Carolina and has held appointments at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Harvard School of Public Health, AMC Cancer Research Center and the University of Colorado Denver. She is a Past President of the International Society for Quality of Life Research and the 2012 recipient of their President's Award for her contribution to the field and the society. Her primary research interest is Quality of Life, outcomes in palliative/hospice care, and psychosocial sequelae of cancer and its therapy in pediatric and adult patients. Dr. Fairclough's statistical research interests include the analysis of longitudinal studies with non-random missing data due to disease morbidity or mortality. She has over 200 peer-reviewed publications and is the author of Design and Analysis of Quality of Life Studies in Clinical Trials, 2nd edition (2010).

Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, University of South Carolina
Dr. Tisha Felder is an Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing at the University of South Carolina (USC). She is also Core Faculty in the Cancer Prevention and Control Program at the USC Arnold School of Public Health. Dr. Felder received her PhD in behavioral sciences from the University of Texas School of Public Health and MSW from the University of Michigan. Her current research interests include achieving racial and socioeconomic equity in health, enhancing diversity in biomedical science, mixed methods research and multi-level interventions.

Research Professor, Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine at the University of Colorado
Director of the Dissemination and Implementation Program of the Adult and Child Consortium for Health Outcome Research and Delivery Science.
Russell E. Glasgow, PhD, is Research Professor in the Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine at the University of Colorado and Director of the Dissemination and Implementation Program of the Adult and Child Consortium for Health Outcome Research and Delivery Science there. His research focuses on issues of designing for implementation and sustainability, understanding and assessing adaptations to programs, and development and evaluation of pragmatic models and measures. Russell is a behavioral scientist who specializes in the development and assessment of chronic illness prevention and self-management programs.
Russell has 15 years of experience in implementation science and over 25 years of experience in intervention and health outcomes research. He has over 450 peer reviewed publications, most of them related to applied research issues, evaluating and enhancing generalizability of research, pragmatic research methods and frameworks, and ways to enhance implementation and dissemination.

Professor, University of Ottawa
Ian Graham, PhD, FCAHS, FNYAM, FRSC is a Professor in the School of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Ottawa and a Senior Scientist at the Centre for Practice-Changing Research at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. From 2006 to 2012 he was seconded to the position of Vice President of Knowledge Translation at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. His research program focuses on understanding how engaging patients and other stakeholders in the research process (known as integrated knowledge translation) works and the impact it produces. He is co-originator of the Ottawa Model of Research Use; the Practice Guideline Evaluation and Adaptation Cycle; the Knowledge to Action framework; CAN-IMPLEMENT, and a founding member of the international ADAPTE collaboration.

Director of Research, American Academy of Family Physicians
Christina Hester is the Research Director of the American Academy of Family Physicians' National Research Network. Through the AAFP NRN, she leads practice-based research projects in primary care practice settings on a broad spectrum of topics and has led several large projects in primary care clinical and community settings.

Professor, Department of Family Medicine
Dr. Holtrop is Professor and Vice Chair for Research in the University of Colorado Department of Family Medicine and Associate Director and Senior Implementation Scientist with the Adult and Child Consortium for Health Outcomes Research and Delivery Science (ACCORDS) at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She also is a Senior Scientific Advisor for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality for dissemination and implementation science and primary care research.

Assistant professor in the Colorado School of Public Health

Founding Director of ACCORDS
Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado School of Public Health
Dr. Allison Kempe, MD, MPH is the founding Director of ACCORDS. She is a tenured Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado School of Public Health and has conducted health services, outcomes, and implementation/dissemination research for over thirty years. She has extensive experience in conducting pragmatic trials, in program evaluation and in the conduct of surveys, with over 200 publications focusing on improving health care and health care delivery. Finding and testing methods of improving immunization rates and other preventive care delivery and decreasing disparities in health and health care delivery for children have been the major focus of her own research. She has received numerous R01 level grants from NIH, AHRQ, and the CDC throughout her career. Additionally, Dr. Kempe has played a major mentorship role for many fellows and junior faculty. She directed two federally funded primary care research fellowships for over 10 years and developed a fellowship for surgical and subspecialty faculty who wish to become outcomes or health services researchers. Currently, she is a Co-Director of a K12 from NHLBI that focuses on implementation and dissemination science.

Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Anschutz Medical Campus
Bethany Kwan, PhD, MSPH is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Anschutz Medical Campus. She received her PhD in social psychology from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2010, following a MSPH from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in 2005. She holds a BS in Chemistry and Psychology from Carnegie Mellon University (’01). As an investigator in the University of Colorado’s Adult & Child Consortium for Health Outcomes Research and Delivery Science (ACCORDS), she conducts pragmatic, patient-centered research and evaluation on health and health care in a variety of areas. With an emphasis on stakeholder engagement and dissemination and implementation (D&I) methods, her work addresses the integration of physical and behavioral health, chronic disease self-management, improving processes and systems of care to achieve the Quadruple Aim, pragmatic trials using electronic health data, and enhancing quality of life for patients and care partners. She works with patients and other stakeholders at all phases of research, from prioritization, to design, implementation, and dissemination of research. She mentors and teaches students, trainees, and fellow faculty on Designing for Dissemination to ensure that research innovations are efficiently and effectively adopted, used, and sustained in real world settings to improve health and well-being for all. Dr. Kwan directs the ACCORDS Education program as well as the Colorado Clinical & Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI) Dissemination & Implementation Research Core.

Associate Investigator, Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute
Dr. Cara C. Lewis is a clinical psychologist, associate investigator at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute and affiliate faculty in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington. She is Past President of the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration and co-founding Editor-in-Chief of the proposed SIRC journal. Her research focuses on advancing pragmatic and rigorous measures and methods for implementation science and practice, and informing tailored implementation of evidence based practices. She is also a Beck Scholar with expertise in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Research Health Scientist, CSHIIP VA Greater Los Angeles
Jessica L. Moreau, PhD (Princeton, 2011), MPH (UCLA, 2012), is a medical anthropologist and core investigator at the VA HSR&D Center for the Study of Healthcare Innovation, Implementation and Policy (CSHIIP) at VA Greater Los Angeles. Her research interests include women’s health, implementation science, and quality improvement. Dr. Moreau specializes in rigorous qualitative methods including qualitative and mixed method study design and rapid methods for data collection and analysis. In her role as CSHIIP Qualitative Methods Group Lead, Dr. Moreau provides expert consulting on study design and grant development to center investigators, mentors junior investigators, and conducts workshops on qualitative methods

Director, ACCORDS Qualitative Core
Dr. Morris is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the School of Medicine. She earned her BS in Communication Disorders from Boston University, an MS in Speech-Language Pathology, an MPH with a Health Policy and Systems Concentration, and a PhD in Rehabilitation Science from the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Health Services Research at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University. Dr. Morris serves as a qualitative and mixed methods expert on multiple health services research studies. She has worked across a multitude of clinical areas and is particularly interested in employing qualitative methodologies and methods to engage key stakeholders in identifying and addressing disparities in care experienced by vulnerable populations. In her own research, she aims to identify and address provider- and organization-level factors that contribute to healthcare disparities experienced by patients with disabilities. She is the founder and director of the national Learning Collaborative to Address Disability Equity in HealthcaRe (LEADERs).

Research Instructor, D2V
Dr. Morse earned his Ph.D. in Technology, Media, and Society from the ATLAS Institute at the University of Colorado Boulder. A Masters degree in Cultural Anthropology was obtained before finishing his terminal degree. His current academic interests include user experience (UX) research, human-centered design, mHealth, qualitative research design, qualitative methods, ethnography, community engagement, and collaborative video development.

Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Mould-Millman is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Colorado, and a Senior Investigator of Global Health. He is federally-funded physician-investigator with expertise in global emergency medicine and prehospital care systems. He is a researcher and a program implementer who leverages D&I and pragmatic research to improve delivery of emergency and trauma care, predominantly in resource-limited settings internationally.

Director, ACCORDS Practice-Based Research Network and Community Engagement
Don Nease is the Vice Chair for Community in Family Medicine, and Director of the Community Engagement and Research for the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute. Dr. Nease’s work is dedicated to improving health from the level of individual doctor-patient interactions to community and population-based interventions. His research is conducted largely within communities and their primary care practices, most notably in the areas of Chronic Illness and Systems Change. Don received both his B.A. and M.D. degrees at the University of Kansas. He did his Residency at the Medical University of South Carolina/Department of Family Medicine and a Faculty Development Fellowship at the University of North Carolina.

Associate Professor, Director of Child Health Research Biostatistics Core Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado
Dr. Pyle is the Director of the Child Health Research Biostatistics Core at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. She collaborates with investigators on research mainly related to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and type 1 diabetes, helping them design and conduct rigorous research protocols, with a particular focus on clinical trials and longitudinal observational studies.

Assistant professor, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health
Borsika Rabin, PhD, MPH, PharmD is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at the School of Medicine, University of California San Diego where she also serves as the co-Director of the UC San Diego D&I Science Center. Dr. Rabin serves as the co-lead of the Implementation Core for the Triple Aim QUERI Program for Denver VA and an Implementation Scientist at the Center of Excellence in Stress and Mental Health at the San Diego VA. She is a member of the ACCORDS Dissemination and Implementation Science Program at the University of Colorado. Her research focuses on dissemination and implementation (D&I) of evidence-based interventions, adaptations, measurement, and the evaluation and development of interactive, web-based interventions and tools with a special emphasis on tools that can support planning for D&I interventions. She designed and developed a number of web-based resources including the D&I Models in Research and Practice ( websites.

Senior Research Coordinator, Center for Bioethics and Humanities
Julie is the Senior Research Coordinator for the Center for Bioethics and Humanities and a project manager for the Data Science to Patient Value Initiative's Stakeholder Engagement and Governance Core. She holds a Masters of Public Health and her work is at the intersection of public health, bioethics, and community engagement. Julie is currently working on projects including measuring the impact of medical aid in dying laws in Colorado on physicians, understanding physician's attitudes towards people with disabilities, and creating a stakeholder engagement toolkit for healthcare researchers.

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics and Informations
Dr. John Rice is an assistant professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Informatics in the Colorado School of Public Health. He received his MSPH in Biostatistics from Emory University in 2010, and his PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Michigan in 2015, where his dissertation focused on statistical methods for cancer research. He completed postdoctoral training at the University of Rochester in 2017, where he worked in the areas of HIV testing behavior and cardiovascular outcomes, prior to joining the faculty at UC Denver. His research interests include longitudinal data analysis, recurrent events, and semiparametric regression methods for binary and semicontinuous outcomes data.

Project Lead, Patient-Researcher

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Bioastistics and Informatics
Krithika Suresh is a research assistant professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Informatics in the Colorado School of Public Health. She received her MMath in Biostatistics from the University of Waterloo, and her PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Michigan. Her research interests include survival analysis, longitudinal data, joint modeling, and prediction models, with applications in cancer research and other health outcomes.

Professional Research Assistant
Kate works as a PRA for the D2V initiative, where she supports various research and evaluation efforts including the Stakeholder Engagement Core and the Post-Acute Care Research and Team Science group. Her research interests include refugee health, culturally effective research, and stakeholder engagement.